remove trees in The Hills Shire
You are not Allowed

Parameters that can change your answer (set your choices here):
distance to a building <= 3 m
fruit tree
species of tree is one of (Box Elder, Tree of Heaven, Silk Tree, Evergreen Alder, Alexandara Palm, Bangalow Palm, Hackberry, Fiddlewood, Cotoneaster, Pencil Pine, Weeping Fig, Indian Rubber Tree, Honey Locust, Kaffir Plum, Norfolk Island Hibiscus, Broad Leaved Privet, Small Leaved Privet, Oleander, Wild Olive, African Olive, Sweet Pittosporum, Lombardy Polplar, False Acacia, Black Locust, Weeping Willow, Umbrella Tree, Brazilian Mastic, Breadleaf Pepper Tree, Cocos Plam, Athel Tree, Rhus Tree, Leyland Cypress)
species of tree is one of (Bunya Bunya Pine, Hoop Pine, Norfolk Island Pine, Camphor Laurel, Monterey Cypress, Coral Tree, Liquidambar, White Cedar, Monterey Pine, Radiata Pine)
height >= 10 m
trunk diameter at ground level < 300 mm
height >= 6 m
spread >= 3 m
Maximum penalty: $1,100,000 AUD
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